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Why do I do this

With the political landscape as crazy as it is and recent laws that have been enacted I feel it necessary to give my perspective on why I decided to become a Professional Fetishist / Switch / Submissive / Domme. I know, I know that's a lot of titles and each one has it's own world. As an active member of the kink community I have found this world to be full of the most diverse, accepting, and open minded people I have ever met. Are their bad people..Yes. Are their abusive people..Yes. Are there people that use the term kink or BDSM and twist it to their own evil needs..Yes but that is true in each community / profession. There are always going to be bad people.

I have been lucky in my life to have not met or interacted with any of them. I have been lucky enough to have grown up in a safe, white, conservative, upper middle class area. I have never been hungry or worried abut having a roof over my head. I trust first and rarely have I ben disappointed. If I was a different person I would have made the perfect soccer mom.

Trust me I can play the role but I am not a soccer mom. It took me going through all the steps (college, career, marriage) that were expected of me to realize I was not living my authentic life. Marriage was hard and I tried my best to play the part expected of me but my deciding to get a divorce was an eye opener. My ex spent years without my even realizing it dragging me down and slowly chipping away at my confidence until I didn't recognize myself.

After I left I found more strength and confidence then I had ever know. Making a choice for my heath and protection of my self worth was the best thing I could have done. This new look on life forced me to evaluate what I really wanted and who I really was not who society has trained me to be. That is where kink comes in.

Kink has given me the freedom and the community to explore any crazy/wonderful/depraved/sexy/creative idea that comes through my newly cleared mind. I started my exploration without really knowing who I was. Through the years I have explored all sides of this world. I have found that the exploration and creativity in the kink community is endless and exhilarating. After experiencing a very, very wide variety of things with wonderful partners and friends I came to realize that I wanted to try another side of the world.

This new job allows me to expand my kink "portfolio" to a wider variety of experiences and people. People that might not be able to live this life full time but may just want to have an wonderful experience that they have been fanaticizing about. Someone that is not quite comfortable letting their friends or family know that they want to do something outside of societies box and want to try it first in a safe professional setting where there is no judgement.

We've all heard the saying "Do what you love, and you'll never work another day in your life". This new career is a step in that direction. I have never felt more alive or had more fun then I do with each session. Getting to explore other peoples minds and fantasies is invigorating. No two people are alike and needs, ideas change with people's moods and the seasons. This allows never ending creative outlets and interesting experiences.

This is why I do this.


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