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Covid round 3

With each new strain of Covid I stop and evaluate safety vs the need to continue to work to support myself. Omicron is running rampant but I have been extremely safe about my personal life and the people I allow in it. Everyone mush be vaccinated to enter my space. Each client must be vaccinates and I am personally testing once a week as an additional precaution.

I know this is only a precaution and does not guarantee anything but so far I have been lucky and I am one of the few people that has not gotten any variant of covid (yet)

So I am happy to announce I will be continuing sessions for the time being. As things get better or worse I may re-evaluate again.

The holidays brought on a wave of Covid related cancelations / re-scheduling which I am happy to accommodate as best I can. I DO NOT want to see you if you are sick. My health is important and I cannot work if I am sick.

Stay safe, warm, and be responsible and I hope to see each and every one of you soon!

Miss Jay


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